Saturday, February 25, 2012

Childhood Is Calling

I have always wanted to write my own book, and last year before my sister moved to Italy to get married we decided to write a children's story. I thought I would share this with you, maybe put a smile on your face :)

Story 1. Abigale Gaws.

Every Goose in DandyWood BrandyWine pond knew Abigale to be a rather strange sort of goose. Abigale wore a pearl necklace everyday of the week, If you were to ask Abigale where she had gotten the necklace she might tell you a story of the time she broke into the jewlery box of Farmer Jinkins wife and stole her favorite pearl necklace. Every saturday when the farmer and his wife would go into town Abigale would sneek over to their house to eat one of Mrs. Jinkins prize blackberry pies. What you didnt know is that the farmers wife has a cat, a very small but fat orange cat named Tinkly Minkly. Now Tinkly Minkly knew about Abigale and knew she was the one to take the pearl necklace. So every saturday when Abigale would sneak through the cat door into the house, Tinkly Minkly would try his hardest to get that necklace back. But everytime he would fail. On this particular Saturday Abigale was floating in the pond talking to the goslings about how she was going to go sneek that blackberry pie. The goslings not believing anything Abigale ever says decide to follow her to the house and climb up to the window seel to watch in suspense as Abigale climbs through the cat door like she does every Saturday. Making her way into the kitchen she spots the pie cooling on the countertop. Suddenly she hears a loud noise and runs under the kitchen table not knowing that Tinkly Minkly had been hiding behind a large jar of honey. He knew that Abigale was going to make a run for the blackberry pie, he knocked over the honey jar spilling sticky honey all over the kitchen counter and floor trying to set a trap for her. Abigale knew she had no easy way of getting to the pie or even out the cat door, so she jumps on top of the table and Tinkly Minkly makes a lung at the pear necklace but gets his claws stuck in the necklace. Startled by this Abigale takes of and flys around the kitchen with Tinkly Minkly still attached to the necklace! Finally he got himself free and plunged into the honey on the floor. The goslings notcing everything that was going on opened the kitchen window as a way for her to escape. Abigale crash landed into the pie and gobbled up as much of it as she could then dashed out the window knocking what was left of the pie onto Tinkly Minkly who was stuck in the honey. Shortely after this the farmer and his wife returned and found the mess that was made in the kitchen, blaiming it all on Tinkly Minkly whom was still stuck in the honey now covered in blackberry pie. All the geese made it back to the pond safely, and Abigale Gaws being the strange sort of goose she was, still plans on going back to the farm house every Saturday for that blackberry pie.

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