Saturday, February 25, 2012

Once Upon A Time...

When you hear those four words what do you think of? A movie you grew up watching? A story you use to hear before bed? I think about one big word..

All growing up I loved watching those Disney princess movies, Sleepiong beauty, Snow white ect. Those movies where the prince would show up and do everything in his power to save the princess and in the end love would always prevail. If your from my generation then most of you grew up watching these movies. Truth is girls grow up loving the idea of love, I know I did. And sometimes that got me into alot of trouble, moving too fast in a relationship, letting myself go cause I thought "he could be the one". In our teen years we make alot of mistakes, some big and some small. But they always effect us somehow.
I have noticed that a lot of us girls go looking for love in all the wrong places with all the wrong people. We rush into things we aren't ready for hoping that this could be it. We all want that fairy tale love story with our prince charming.
I'm one of those people who thinks that there is that perfect person out there for everyone, your "prince charming" so to speak. We just need to be patient.
It took a lot for me to get where I am now, a alot of good and a lot of bad. But I know one perfect man who has always been there for me... God. Ive noticed that no matter who I am dating, where I am, what im doing in my life, He is always there. I like to call him my constant Prince :P He is that, and so much more. He has the perfect person out there for you, he knows all the desires of your heart. He is the author of our love story. He is the definition of love, so who better to learn from than Him?? Right now I'm focusing on my life and my relationship with him, I've taken myself out of the dating world and am more than willing to wait on that right guy he has planned for me.

 Boys are not what this life is about. Sure, its fun having a boyfriend.. someone to talk to, someone to care and love you. But what about when you forget yourself? When you forget your dreams and what makes you, you. You focus on a relationship and get consumed. Your friends, your family and even God take the back seat. Sometimes in life, we need to give up the things we want in order to make room for the things we need. I'm speaking from personal experiences. God has someone out there for you, most of the time we don't have the patience to wait. Trust me its hard when a guy comes in your life and you say to yourself "hey is this the one?". We just need to wait. Because we can choose to have either the good, the great or the best. God wants us to have the best, the best of everything in this life. He wants us to glorify him in the things we do, the choices we make, the people we hangout with. He sees the bigger picture even if we don't. So girls, wait for the right guy, don't push yourself and go too fast in a relationship. Because if he really loves you, he will respect you. Wait for your prince charming, he is out there.

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