Monday, February 6, 2012

Introducing, me.

Growing up in a small town in the middle of Texas, I wasn't much for a glamorous big city life. But I can say I don't feel like I missed out. Living in the country was great. I come from a family of 8 kids, and you can assume our house wasn't the quietest one the block. But my family was, has and always will be one of the most important things to me. My best friends lived just down the street, a bike ride away and I am happy to say My childhood friends are still my best friends. My childhood passions have stuck with me even to this day. I still love bike riding, exploring and being creative. Music is my biggest passion, along with writing, composing and painting. Name it and I love doing it. I have been singing since I could talk, and one day I am determined to use my gift and love of music to do something big. These past two years I have learned more about myself than ever before, changing my perspective on life. I continue to learn things about myself everyday. I have learned to face my fears head on, and to listen to my heart more than my head. My relationship with God has grown and come a long way. I've gotten to experience him as a friend, a best friend. I've learned you cant always count on all the people around you, but you can always count on him. I can always count on him. My life has been a bit of a rollercoaster ride, every year bringing something crazy along with it. Through my experiences I have learned lessons I will carry with me for the rest of life, and hopefully get the chance to pass them on. We all have our stories, and we never know how much our stories can impact someone.

 Remember where you came from. Remember your history, The good and even the bad. Its like even when we are out of school we still have no choice but to be taught and to learn. The bad experiences we go through teach us, makes us stronger and in a sense it teaches us who we are. I know that all the hard times I've gone through, there has always been a reason. And as much as we would like to go back and change decisions we made.. If I got the chance.. I wouldn't.. Because its made me who I am today. When your situation seems horrible and like it will never end. Just trust in the promise God gave. He makes all things come together for his good.

I've learned I cant do this on my own. I have tried, countless time and it always turns out the wrong way. I ignored what my heart was telling me and listened to what my head was telling me, thinking my heart would follow my head. I was wrong. Now I listen to my heart, and most importantly I listen to the Lord. And since then, more experiences have opened up and great things started happening. I made sacrifices and gave up the things I wanted rather than the things I needed. I know its a long road home, but wherever the Lord takes me.. Ill go.

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